4401 Wilshire Blvd., Los Angeles, CA 90010 Tel: 213-389-0038; Fax: 213-389-0041; Office hours: 9:00am - 5:00pm, Monday to Friday, excluding federal holidays (For visa inquiry, please visit our Visa Division, 3731 Wilshire Boulevard, Suite 700, or call at (213) 389-1215, e-mail: info@tecola.org)
The Press Division is one of the divisions under the Taipei Economic and Cultural Office (TECO) in Los Angeles . It is responsible for providing up-to-date information about Taiwan to the mass media and other journalism-related services. This includes corresponding with local and national media networks, as well as developing close working relationships with local journalists, the mainstream media, think tanks, and the academic community.
Our primary goal is promoting mutual understanding between the United States and the Republic of China (ROC). This is accomplished through a number of channels including, but not limited to, responding to requests for information from the media and educational institutions, writing editorial articles that clarify or explain ROC policy, and hosting or coordinating seminars/conferences on subjects related to Washington-Taipei or cross-strait relations. Through these actions we hope to generate discussion and insight to improve the understanding and cooperation between both countries.
For the public at large, we stock a large number of informational audio/video tapes, DVDs about Taiwan and its culture. We also provide a number of brochures, booklets, and DVDs that provide facts and statistics about Taiwan to information seekers.
The areas served by this office include Southern California, Arizona and New Mexico.
This division is also in charge of the subscription and mailing of some governmental publications, via Kwang-hwa Publishing (USA) Inc. Taiwan Panorama, one of the most popular Chinese-English monthly magazines in the world. It has more than 2,000 subscribers in the US and Canada, including libraries, schools, and individuals. There is no better place to find in-depth information about the Republic of China (Taiwan) and its people. Currently, the editors at Taiwan Panorama have set their three main directions as the “domestic pulse," "traditional culture," and "overseas reports," and are intent on building a comprehensive and international publication which "has its footing in Taiwan, is concerned about the mainland, and has its eyes open to the world."
Readers in the US and Canada can subscribe to Taiwan Panorama Magazine (http://www.taiwan-panorama.com/), Taiwan Review (TR), and purchase some bilingual books through this office. The direct-dial number for subscription information is (888) 829-3866, Fax: (213) 389-0021.