On February 1 of 2023, the Central Epidemic Command Center (CECC) announced that it will adjust the rapid test time rule specified in the Self-initiated Prevention Directions starting on February 7. The CECC will remove the requirements that arrivals should take a rapid test on the day of arrival or the first day of their self-initiated prevention period and provide a negative test result taken within two days before going out. The CECC has made a change to the rule on when to use rapid tests. Arrivals will only need to "take an at-home rapid test when they develop symptoms during their self-initiated prevention period."
In line with these adjustments to relevant COVID-19 measures, starting 00:00 on February 7 (scheduled arrival time), the number of free rapid tests offered to arrivals will be changed to one. The number of rapid tests offered to close contacts of confirmed cases will also be changed to one from February 7 (start date of isolation for the confirmed case).
Horario de atención al público es del lunes al viernes, de 9.30 horas a 13.30 horas.
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