Taiwan celebrates 75 years of diplomatic relations with the Vatican

Pope with Chinese ambassador to the Holy See - OSS_ROM
Those in attendance at the event were greeted by Msgr. Slađan Ćosić Chargé d'Affaires of the Apostolic Nuncio, Taipei's Archbishop John Shan-Chuan Hung who is also President of the Bishops' Conference, Ms Anna Kao, General Director of the Department of Foreign Affairs for Relations with Europe and Dr. Vincent Han-Sun Chiang President of the Catholic University Fu Jen.
Three reports were presented during the course of the event. The first by Sister Beatrice Leung professor and researcher at Wenzhao Foreign Language College in Kaohsiung. Father Jac Kuepers vice president for the mission of the new hospital of the 'Fu Jen University who reviewed the current statistics on Catholic activity in Taiwan in relation to poverty (hospitals, schools and social activities, etc.), underlining how engagement in the gathering of economic and moral resources abroad and on the island has led to substantial improvements and real relief for those in situations of indigence. This mission not only continues but grows year by year he said. Finally Father Louis Gendron dean of the faculty of theology St. Roberto Bellarmino of New Taipei, led those present on a retrospective journey of the mission of evangelization not only on the island, but for the entire Chinese-speaking world.
The day ended with the Eucharistic celebration presided over by Msgr. Adolf Tito Yllana, Apostolic Nuncio to Australia who was present for the occasion.
The event was also celebrated in Rome on Oct 5, at the Pontifical Urbanianum University in the presence of the Taiwanese Ambassador Matthew Lee and the Vatican Secretary for Relations with States, Msgr. Paul Gallagher.
(Vatican Radio http://en.radiovaticana.va/news/2017/10/28/taiwan,_vatican_celebrates_75_years_diplomatic_relations__/1345736 )