中華民國科技部為提供海外台裔青年回台進行短期研究或實習,進而建立與台灣產官學界交流機會,及增進海外台裔青年對台灣的認識及瞭解,並適時為台灣在國際上發聲。自2005年起,每年暑期舉辦科技台灣探索(候鳥計畫),邀請傑出青年學生返台參加暑期實習研究活動。本年度候鳥計畫「2017 Taiwan Tech Trek」自2月13日起至3月10日止(台灣時間)受理線上報名,凡有興趣申請者可逕至科技部網站新網址:https://wttpap.most.gov.tw/TTT/ 查詢相關資訊及線上報名。
(2)年齡須為 18~30歲 [1987年1月1日(含)~1999年12月31日(含)出生者]
如有任何問題可逕洽:候鳥計畫專案辦公室Tel:+886-4-3507-2168,E-mail:ttt@mail.fcu.edu.tw, 粉絲專業: taiwantechtrekofficial或駐休士頓台北經濟文化辦事處科技組:Tel: 713-963-9433, Email: sdhou@scienceh.org。
About the program
TTT Program is a four to seven-week program beginning on June 2017. Around 200~280 youths of Taiwanese ancestry aged 18~30 will be recruited from various countries through a selective application process. Interns may optionally participate in the Taiwan Exploration Group Activities (including lectures, industry visits, visiting Taiwan attractions etc.) when they apply this program. During 4 to 7weeks of internship, interns will participate their designated internship throughout Taiwan.
With the approval of host institutes, interns can apply for early commencement or extension of their internships. Interns, however, are responsible for the costs of extra days of their stay in Taiwan. Some hosts may provide interns with subsidies for their extension but it varies from different institutes. Interns shall initiate contact with their host institutes for the details in regard to extension and early commencement after getting accepted into the program.
Two types of internships are available:
- Individual internships: The TTT Program Office will arrange internship positions at various host institutes and companies in Taiwan based on participants' choices.
- Special group research projects: Interns will be divided into groups of 4~8 people (there must be at least 1 domestic intern in every four interns) to conduct in-depth research on major issues in Taiwan such as future technology, Taiwan’s international participation, etc.
Qualification and introduction: https://goo.gl/CMkxko
Website: https://wttpap.most.gov.tw/TTT/