A timely and informative two-day "Taiwan-US Business Forum in the Midwest" webinar will take place on March 23 and March 24, 2021, from 9:00 a.m.-11:00 a.m. Central Time on both days, to encourage more business opportunities amid the restructuring of global high-tech supply chains and the expansion of markets for agricultural products and in the international food industry.
As the United States' 9th-largest trading partner and the 8th-largest market for American agricultural products in the world, Taiwan has strong trade and economic ties with the United States. With the ongoing relocation of global supply chains, more Taiwanese companies are looking for opportunities to bring their products and supply chains closer to their American customers.
The Taipei Economic and Cultural Office in Chicago, in partnership with the US-Taiwan Business Council, the American Chamber of Commerce in Taiwan, and World Business Chicago, will host this webinar for leaders and experts from Taiwan businesses with significant investments in the Midwest, U.S. suppliers, members of the U.S. Congress, local, state and city officials, and scholars from leading academic institutions, such as the University of Chicago and Purdue University, to discuss the roadmap to enhance supply-chain cooperation between Taiwan and U.S. companies to advance coordination, collaboration and business opportunities.
Recognizing Chicago as a powerful hub for Taiwan-US business cooperation in the Midwest, especially in the areas of semiconductors, AI, smart manufacturing, the agriculture and food industry, financial and legal services, the Taiwan-US Business Forum also serves to positively echo U.S. President Joseph Biden's call for stronger cooperation between like-minded partners in global supply chains to safeguard our common interests and values.
In addition, webinar organizers hope to bring forth policy outcomes from the recent "Taiwan-US Economic Prosperity Partnership Dialogue," jointly held by the Taiwan Ministry of Economic Affairs,Taiwan Ministry of Foreign Affairs, and the U.S. State Department, to deliver support for an open, democratic, sustainable and rules-based global business ecosystem to the state and local levels, where our businesses may thrive with, and benefit from, our shared values.
To register for the webinar and more information: https://event.edutw.org