駐亞特蘭大辦事處處長王翼龍拜訪包括肯塔基州務卿Michael G. Adams、州參議長Robert Stivers、州眾議長 David W. Osborne、州議會台灣連線共同主席Jimmy Higdon參議員與Chad Aull眾議員等政要,就如何強化台肯合作交換意見,政要也表達對台灣之堅定支持。
Director-General Elliot Wang visited Kentucky Secretary of State Michael G. Adams, State Senate President Robert Stivers, State House Speaker David W. Osborne, Co-Chairs of Taiwan Caucus include Senator Jimmy Higdon and Representative Chad Aull, as well as other Kentucky politicians to exchange views on how to strengthen Taiwan-Kentucky cooperation. The politicians also expressed their firm support of Taiwan.
王處長與肯塔基州參議長(President of Kentucky Senate) Robert Stivers (右)、肯塔基州眾議長(Speaker of Kentucky House of Representatives) David W. Osborne (左)合影
王處長與肯塔基州議會台灣連線共同主席(Co-chairs of Taiwan Caucus) Jimmy Higdon參議員(Sen. Jimmy Higdon)(右)與Chad Aull眾議員(Rep. Chad Aull)(左)合影
王處長與肯塔基州務卿(Kentucky Secretary of State) Michael G. Adams (右)合影