本處今天在喬治亞州議會舉辦「在議會遇見台灣」(Meet Taiwan under Gold Dome)座談餐會,向議員宣介台灣。眾議長Jon Burns首次親自出席,並遞交眾議會通過的友台決議文,4位參、眾議會台灣連線共同主席亦熱情出席!去年剛參加州議會領袖訪台團Josh Bonner也在現場分享訪台心得,本處特別準備廣受歡迎的珍珠奶茶和台灣點心義美夾心酥,與會議員都說讚!謝謝今天所有30餘位議員朋友帶給我們溫暖支持?
Today our office held an event “Meet Taiwan under Gold Dome” in Georgia state capitol to promote Taiwan. We are very honored to have the Speaker of House, Rep. Jon Burns and 4 Taiwan caucus co-chairs to attend. The Speaker handed the Taiwan resolution to Director General Wang in person! We also prepared the most popular beverage in Atlanta “Taiwan bubble tea” and Taiwan snacks Yi-mei (義美)cream wafers for all the participants. Thank you for all the attendees, your warm supports are always appreciated!