On 11 November, the Overseas Taiwanese Community in the UK participated in the 2017 London Lord Mayor’s Show for the first time ever, assembling a procession of more than 50 marchers.
The procession featured three giant Taiwan themed balloons: one in the shape of an aeroplane from Taiwan’s 5-star airline Eva Air, the second a Formosan black bear, a bear species native to Taiwan and the third promoted Taiwan as a tourist destination carrying the ‘Taiwan – The Heart of Asia’ logo. It was led by marchers dressed as Taiwanese Electric-Techno Neon Gods dancers whose outfits are based on the dress of Taoist Gods.
This procession was symbolic of what Taiwan has to offer to the world. The Electric-Techno Neon Gods dancers symbolised some of the unique aspects of Taiwan’s diverse culture, while the giant Formosan black bear balloon represented Taiwan’s extensive wildlife and natural beauty. Similarly, the other marchers and the Taiwan Tourism Bureau balloon emphasised that Taiwan welcomes the entire world, while the Eva Air aeroplane reminded onlookers that Taiwan is just one flight away.
The members of the Overseas Taiwanese Community in the UK included Eva Air, Ours Travel, the largest Taiwanese travel agent based in London, the TRO and the Taiwan Tourism Bureau. Leading this year’s project, Representative Lin said Taiwan’s participation in this year’s Lord Mayor’s Show will help promote friendship, relations and exchanges between Taiwan and the UK, while encouraging more people from the UK to visit Taiwan.
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