What's the difference between the Taiwan MOFA Scholarship and ICDF Scholarship?
Q.What's the difference between the Taiwan MOFA Scholarship and ICDF Scholarship?
A1: Taiwan MOFA Scholarship
(1)Period:5 years (for university students)
(1-1)In the 1st year: learning Mandarin in language center.
(1-2)From the 2nd year: Applying for admission for the universities in Taiwan by the scholarship recipient him/herself.
A2: ICDF Scholarship
()2Period:4 years (for university students)
(2-1)Not necessary to learn Mandarin in language school.
(2-2)The school/department had been selected when the scholarship recipient applied the scholarship.
Please feel free to contact our Embassy by phone: (688)20278 or via E-mail: tuv@mofa.gov.tw for more information.