The World School Children's Art Exhibition is one of the biggest art exhibition in Taiwan, which to promote cross-cultural understanding and friendship among the young generation through the exchange of children’s art work.
1. Organizers:The Association for Education through Art, Republic of China and the Association of Formative Art Education for the Republic of China
2. Eligibility for participants:Schoolchildren aged 6-15
3. Art Works:
a. Varieties:Oil paintings, water colors, wood cut prints, pencil sketches, crayon drawings, pastels, collages, etchings, graphic designs and etc.
b. Size:Within 55cm X 40cm
c. Number:One piece from each child
d. The following information is requested to be given in English if possible.
i. Full Name, Sex, Age, Nationality
ii. Name and address of the school or institution.
4. Deadline:All entries must arrive no later than last post on April 15, 2023.
5. Committee of Judges:Artists, educators, psychologists, and art educators in Republic of China(Taiwan) as well as several other countries such as Japan, Malaysia, and USA will be invited to serve as judges on the committee.
6. Prizes:According to the recommendation of the Committee of Judges, certificates and/or medals will be presented to the selected participants whose works exhibit excellence.
7. Mail Address:The Association for Education through Art, Republic of China No. 43, Nanhai Rd., Taipei City, Taiwan 100 100
All entries must be submitted no later than on April 15, 2023. Please see Attachment file or contact email: for more information