Ambassador Jessica Lee attended ground breaking and ribbon cutting ceremonies of the ROC Government's Economic Stimulus Projects in Ngchesar, Airai, Aimeliik, Ngatpang and Koror
Ambassador Jessica Lee of the Republic of China (Taiwan) attended ground breaking and ribbon cutting ceremonies of the ROC Government's Economic Stimulus Projects in Ngchesar, Airai, Aimeliik, Ngatpang and Koror. The projects include the improvement and paving of the state roads and waterlines, muli-function fitness centers in Airai and Koror, Palau High School Classroom and Koror Elementary School Climate Control Project, and Ministry of Health Step Down Facility Building (Ministry of Health Long-Term Health Care Facility).
President Surangel Whipps, Jr., Vice President Uduch Senior, Minister of State Gustav Aitaro, Minister of Public Infrastructure and Industries Charles Obichang, Minister of HRCTD Ngiraibelas Tmetuchl, Minister of Education Dale Jenkins, Minister of Health Gaafar Uherbelau, Reklai, Vice Senate President Kerai Mariur, Vice Speaker Lucio Ngiraiwet, Palau UN Ambassador Elena Seid, Delegates, Governors, Speaker of State and many state citizens attended the events as well. The Projects demonstrate Taiwan’s efforts in assisting Palau with public infrastructure to boost the local economy, enhance medical capacity and improve education. Taiwan will continually work with Palau in every field that can promote people’s quality of life.