(一) 頂尖僑生獎學金:每學年計新臺幣(下同)二十六萬元,四年共計一百零四萬元。
(二) 傑出僑生獎學金:每學年計十萬元,四年共計四十萬元。
(一) 具高級中等以上學校畢業學歷,學業成績優良,品行端正,符合「僑生回國就學及輔導辦法」第二條規定來臺就讀學士學位之僑生。
(二) 申請人在申請期限前,其相當於國內高級中等以上學校全部在校學業總平均成績,頂尖獎學金以八十八分為低標或在全班百分之五以內,傑出獎學金以八十五分為低標或在全班百分之十以內,且操行總平均成績均達八十分以上。為因應各國學制及成績評量方式不同,由受理申請之駐外館處及本會指定單位依前款規定提報學業總平均成績換算標準送本會備查;如無操行成績,應依其他多元表現評估認定。
(三) 有下列情形之一者,不得申請:
(一) 獎學金最長受獎期限為四年。
(二) 自當學年度九月一日起至次年八月三十一日止。
(三) 因故休學者,廢止受獎資格並停止發給獎學金。其於休學學年已領取之獎學金,分別依其休學前之在學期間,於未達二分之一者,應全部繳回;二分之一以上未達四分之三者,應繳回半數;四分之三以上者,無須繳回。
(四) 受獎生應按時抵校註冊,未能於規定期限來臺就學者,視同放棄受獎資格,不得保留。
(五) 受獎生經擬轉出及轉入學校核准轉學時,原就讀學校應敘明受獎生受獎類別、受獎起訖年月及轉出年月,函知受獎生及其轉入學校。轉入學校應敘明同意受獎生轉入年月,函復受獎生及其轉出學校。轉出及轉入學校函件均應副知本會、相關駐外館處或本會指定單位。
(一) 獎學金申請表 (如附件) 。
(二) 僑居地永久或長期居留證件影本。
(三) 最高學歷證明及成績單影本,其以中、英文以外之語文製作者,應加附中文譯本。影本及譯本並應經駐外館處驗證或經本會海外文教服務中心或本會指定之保薦單位核驗。
(四) 校長、教師或導師推薦信二封,並經推薦人密封後親簽。
(五) 自傳(含讀書計畫)。
(六) 相關申請文件請以(掛號或電郵)方式至下列地址:
+57-601-9054985/ col@mofa.gov.tw/ Carrera11 No.93-53 Of.501, Bogota, Colombia)
(一) 書面初審外,並擇優採取面試或視訊方式辦理口試審核,遴選正、備取受獎候選人。
(二) 優先甄選通過華語文能力測驗(TOCFL)獲得中級以上測驗證書之獎學金申請人。
(一) 初領作業:受獎生第一學年初領者,應於第一學年註冊後向學校繳交本會核定受獎公函等受獎影本證明文件。
(二) 續領資格:
1. 符合前點之受獎生在學期間每學期修習九學分以上,頂尖獎學金獲獎者學年學業總平均成績為A或八十五分以上,且操行總平均成績達八十分(或相同等第)以上;傑出獎學金獲獎者學年學業總平均成績為A-或八十分以上,且操行總平均成績達八十分(或相同等第)以上;如於在學期間成為交換生,於交換期間所修習之國外學分及成績應先經由國內就讀學校採認。
2. 前一學年成績未達前目基準者,不得申請。但以後學年成績再達前目基準者,得再申請。
(三) 第二學年以後,受獎生應檢具符合前款規定之成績單向就讀學校申請續領;學校應辦理受獎生續領受獎資格審核,填送續領審核結果送本會備查後通知受獎生,由就讀學校依規定辦理獎學金請款作業。
Prospectus for the OCAC Scholarship To Reward Top and Outstanding Overseas Compatriot Students for Studying at Universities in Taiwan
Colombia, Venezuela y Panama region
In order to reward top and outstanding overseas Compatriot students studying in Taiwan for a bachelor's degree, based on the "Medium and Long-term Individual Social Development Project 2023 to 2026- Expanding the Cultivation and Retention of Overseas Compatriot Students" approved by the Executive Yuan's document Yuan Tai Wai Zi No.110024110 on August 31, 2022, the Overseas Community Affairs Council (OCAC) specifically stipulates the "OCAC Directions for Approval of Scholarships for Top and Outstanding Overseas Compatriot Students to Study at Universities in Taiwan.”
Scholarship amount:
1. Top Overseas Compatriot Students Scholarship: NT$260,000 per academic year (same below), totaling NT$1.04 million over four years.
2. Outstanding Overseas Compatriot Students Scholarship: NT$100,000 per academic year, totaling NT$400,000 over four years.
The application eligibility is as follows:
1. Overseas compatriot students who have graduated from a high school or above, have achieved excellent academic performance, demonstrated good conduct, and meet the requirements of Article 2 of the Regulations Regarding Study and Counseling Assistance for Overseas Chinese Students in Taiwan to study for a bachelor's degree in Taiwan.
2. Before the application deadline, the applicant's average academic performance is equivalent to that of all domestic senior secondary schools and above. The top scholarship score is 88 points as the lowest score or within the top 5% of the class, and the outstanding scholarship score is 85 points as the lowest or within 10% of the whole class, and the overall average conduct score is above 80 points. To cope with the different academic systems and performance evaluation methods in different countries, the overseas office that accepts the application and unit designated by the OCAC shall submit the overall average academic grade conversion standard in accordance with the provisions of the preceding paragraph and send it to the OCAC for reference; if there is no conduct grades, multiple factors shall be used for performance evaluation.
3. Any of the following circumstances are not allowed to apply:
(1) Have retained their student status at a domestic university or have registered to attend a domestic university in Taiwan.
(2) Have studied in Taiwan at the same level as the degree program you are applying for.
(3) While studying in the Academy of Preparatory Programs for Overseas Compatriot Students of National Taiwan Normal University and domestic public and private senior high schools (including vocational high schools) in Taiwan or after graduation, enroll in domestic university/college after graduation.
(4) Students are exchange students or dual/joint degree students recruited by Taiwan’s universities based on academic cooperation agreements signed with foreign schools.
(5) This scholarship has been revoked.
(6) While studying in Taiwan, also receive tuition and miscellaneous fee subsidies, exemptions, or scholarships and bursaries set by our government agencies (institutions); however, this does not include tuition and miscellaneous fee subsidies, exemptions, or scholarships and bursaries provided by the school where the student is a scholarship recipient.
Scholarship duration:
1. The maximum scholarship period is four years.
2. From September 1 of the current school year to August 31 of the following year.
3. If a student is suspended from school for any reason, his/her eligibility will be revoked and the scholarship will be stopped. The scholarships received during the year of suspension shall be paid back in full if the amount is less than one-half according to the period of study before suspension; if the scholarship is more than one-half but less than three-quarters, half shall be paid back; If more than three-quarters has been received, there is no need to return it.
4. Scholarship recipients should arrive at the school on time to register. Those who fail to come to Taiwan to study within the time limit will be deemed to have given up their eligibility to receive the scholarship and it will not be retained.
5. When a scholarship student is approved to transfer by the current school and the school to which he/she intends to transfer, the original school should state the category of the scholarship received, the start and end year of the award, and the month and year of transfer, and notify the recipient and the school to which he is transferring in a letter. The school to which the student transfers should state the month and year it agrees to transfer the scholarship recipient in an official letter to the scholarship recipient and the school he/she is transferring from. Official Letters from the school the student transfers from and to school should be copied to the OCAC relevant overseas missions or designated units by the OCAC.
Applicants should submit the following documents from now until March 31, 2025:
1. Scholarship application form (as attachment)
2. A copy of the permanent or long-term residence permit for the place of residence.
3. Copy of highest academic qualification certificate and results transcript (If it is in a language
other than Chinese or English, a Chinese translation should be attached). The photocopy and translation should be verified by overseas missions of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the ROC or Culture Centers of Taipei Economic and Cultural Offices or sponsoring unit designated by the OCAC.
4. Two recommendation letters from a principal, teacher or tutor, sealed and signed by the recommender.
5. Autobiography (including study plan).
6. Submit documents as set in the prospectus and documents stipulated in the selection regulations announced by the overseas mission in the place of residence or the unit designated by the OCAC.
7. Please send relevant application documents (by registered mail or email) to the following address:
Oficina Comercia de Taipei en Bogota, Colombia/ +57-601-9054985/ col@mofa.gov.tw/ Carrera11 No.93-53 Of.501, Bogota, Colombia)
Applicants should apply to the overseas embassy office in their place of residence or the designated unit of the OCAC. Duplicate applications will not be accepted; the application forms must be complete, and the application documents provided will not be returned.
The selection principles for scholarship recipients of overseas missions and units designated by the OCAC receiving applications are as follows:
1. In addition to the written preliminary review, the best candidates will be selected for interviews or video interviews to select recipients and those on the reserve list.
2. Priority will be given to scholarship applicants who have passed the Test of Chinese as a Foreign Language (TOCFL) and obtained an intermediate or above test certificate.
After the award recipients are selected and approval by the OCAC, the approved recipient will be notified and receive an official letter by an ROC representative offices or culture center or sponsoring unit designated by an OCAC.
Those who fail to obtain admission will lose their scholarship eligibility. The overseas ROC representative offices and designated units handling applications should report any vacancies resulting from award recipient relinquishing their eligibility to the OCAC within the specified deadline. The OCAC will then arrange for replacement as needed.
The procedures for initial scholarship receipt, continuing receipt, and application review are as follows:
1. Initial receipt: Students who have received the award at the beginning of the first academic year should submit the official letter from the OCAC approving the award and other documents proving the award to the school after registration in the first academic year.
2. Eligibility for continuing receipt:
(1) Recipients who meet the above criteria should study for more than nine credits per semester during their studies. Top scholarship recipients should have an overall average academic grade of A or above 85 points, and an overall average academic grade of 80 points (or equivalent). ) or above; Outstanding Scholarship recipients should have an overall academic average of A- or 80 points or above, and an overall conduct average of 80 points (or same grade) or above; if they become exchange students during their studies, their foreign credits and study grades must be recognized by the domestic school first.
(2)Those whose grades in the previous school year did not meet the current benchmark will not be allowed to apply. However, if grades in subsequent academic years reach the current benchmark, they may apply again.
3. After the second academic year, award recipients should submit transcripts that meet the provisions of the preceding paragraph and apply to the school for renewal; the school should review the award recipient's eligibility to renew the award, submit the renewal review results to the OCAC for review, and then notify the award recipient. The school will handle scholarship applications in accordance with regulations.
If the scholarship recipient's application documents are found to be forged or false, or if he or she drops out, the OCAC will revoke his or her eligibility and pursue related legal liability depending on the seriousness of the situation.